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Approach to Teaching Reading


Children are immersed in books and reading as soon as they join us in the Nursery. Through this children begin to learn that print contains meaning and that reading and books are exciting and fun.


In the EYFS and KS1 we follow the Read, Write Inc programme of synthetic phonics.  Each child takes part in a 45 minute phonics and reading session daily along with additional practice and 1:1 tuition for children who need additional support.  This programme continues for those children who still need it in KS2.  Children take home their Read, Write Inc reading books daily and these are changed every week as they move on to the next book.


Through Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children continue to work in guided groups with an adult, twice a week. Children have time to read the text before the session so that the guided session focuses on developing higher order comprehension skills; using inference and deduction, explaining the effect on the reader of an author's choice of words and looking at the structure of a text.


For children who have completed the Read, Write Inc programme but are still working below age related expectation in reading in KS2 we use the Read, Write Inc Fresh Start  programme.


To ensure that children in KS2 are taking home a book at the right level we use Accelerated Reader.  This also encourages children to read widely and regularly.  


Every class spends approximately 10 minutes a day sharing a class text which is read primarily for enjoyment but is also used to reinforce skills learned in guided reading.


In addition to our focused work on reading families are invited to join us for Stay and Read every Monday afternoon at 3pm.


All children are encouraged to read at home and as an incentive books from our Book Vending Machine are given as rewards for regular reading at home.  Each week every class nominates a star reader and that child chooses a book from the Book Vending Machine.


Every child receives a book at Christmas and books are given as prizes at each end of term Governors' assembly.


We work with the Schools' Library Service who provide non-fiction books matched to our curriculum topics every term and keep our class book corners up to date so that children can choose from a varied and up to date selection of books.  We also visit the local library and enjoy author visits through our partnership with the Schools' Library Service.

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